Career Coach with a fertility Lens
Balance fertility challenges with your career.
The emotional and physical disruption of fertility challenges can make showing up as a successful leader and colleague difficult. Most people are unprepared for how overwhelming this can be.
Jade Dunn
Certified Professional Coach
I am a qualified coach with personal experience of pregnancy loss and a traumatic IVF journey.
You don’t often hear people talking about the friction fertility challenges can have with your work and career goals
Infertility, IVF and pregnancy loss each have tremendous impact, affecting mental health, wellbeing and confidence. It can feel like your career takes a hit or even leave you wanting to quit your job entirely.
You might be surprised to know that having a career coach is not just for C-Suite or senior management. Having a coach can be transformative at any stage in your career, but it’s important to note that you are more than just your job. Your life outside of work impacts how you show up, how confident you are, how you respond to stress and where you need your boundaries to be. This goes for fertility challenges too.
That’s why I coach with a fertility lens, I give you the space to bring your full self and situation to our sessions.
Career Plus Fertility 1:1 Coaching Program
The level of emotional and physical disruption fertility challenges bring is a lot on its own, never mind on top of your work and career. In fact, work and career goals can feel as though they are in direct conflict with your fertility journey.
Whether you are the person trying to get pregnant or the partner. Whether you are adopting or looking at surrogacy, my Career Plus Fertility 1:1 Coaching Program will reduce the friction between your career and your fertility journey.
After your free discovery call to learn about the program and get to know me, if you decide you want to balance fertility and career successfully – your program will start with a detailed temperature check session so our work together is tailored to you.
After our work together on the program, you will have insights and resources to continue balancing your career and fertility journey with grace. I’m here for you but ultimately I’ll be working hard to ensure you can do this without me.