Self Compassion on Your Fertility Journey
Self-Compassion on Your Fertility Journey I talk about self-compassion a lot in my coaching practice and also in the talks I do. But what exactly is self-compassion and why is it so important during your fertility journey? The most impactful thing anyone ever said to me on my fertility journey was “be kind to yourself.” […]
Feeling stuck at work during fertility treatment
Feeling Stuck at Work During Fertility Treatment Reflecting on conversations with clients and the challenges they present, a common theme is that they feel stuck at work during their fertility treatment. The situations and events differ of course but there’s this overwhelming sense that these strong and successful women want to move forward. That their […]
How to Deal With a Stressful Job and IVF
How to Deal With a Stressful Job and IVF How do I deal with my stressful job and IVF? Managing career with fertility challenges is hard as we know. There are millions of people (1 in 6) doing some version of exactly that as we speak. There will be a subsection of this group who […]
How to Manage the Impact of Infertility on Your Career With a Coach
Manage the Impact of Infertility on Your Career With a Coach Infertility is a silent struggle that many people experience, 1 in 6 couples in the UK in fact. Add that to the number of same sex couples accessing fertility treatment to conceive plus the single hope-to-be-parents. That’s an eyewatering number of people managing with […]
Can infertility damage your confidence at work?
Can Infertility Damage Your Confidence at Work? If you’re balancing your fertility journey with your career, it’s likely you’ll have experienced some friction between the two. I call this Career-Fertility Friction. It creeps up on you slowly so you’re often not aware of it until suddenly, it’s everywhere you look. You can find yourself wondering […]